Friday, November 12, 2010

The Friday Feel-Good Club

Isn't the weekend a magical time? We look forward to it all week, compiling a list of all the things we're going to accomplish: letters to write, odd-jobs to fix, people to visit and places to haunt. Of course, many times we overbook ourselves, or get overwhelmed, or just plain laze the weekend away and are filled with the dreaded SUNDAY NIGHT REGRET. This is a terrible state of mind, wherein you kick yourself like a football and mope around, thereby ruining even the last precious hours of your weekend. Tsk-tsk.

But in the scheme of things, even a wasted weekend is a good one, as long as you had some fun and did a few things. So whenever I feel that Sunday Night Regret creep up, I resort to one of my fondest childhood Sunday rituals. I take a shower and towel-dry my hair, and let it air dry while I watch a movie. It reminds me so much of being very small and cared for, unconcerned with whatever Monday would bring. Of course, at that age Mondays usually meant coloring hand-turkeys and chocolate milk cartons - tough life!

So join me in becoming a member of the Friday Feel-Good club. Vow to enjoy your weekend (whatever it may bring) and refuse to bow to the Sunday Night Regret. Love every minute of your time off!

And now, a sign-off by the Friday Feel-Good Club mascot, Jules Verne the High-Fiving Kitty.

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